Rising Lady

Rising Lady剧情介绍

《Rising Lady》2022年开播,由牟晓杰 执导,秦海璐/金世佳/白冰/薇薇/董又霖/等主演,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,Rising Lady手机免费观看全集高清完整版。Lei Li, an astute and capable elite. Ren Duomei, a gentle and beautiful full-time housewife. Shen Jianan, a girl who comes from a rich family but strives to prove herself. They are different in age, personality, and experience. They didn’t know each other, but they became close friends who understand and support each other at the time when they were forced to face difficulties in the workplace and in life. From not trusting each other and trying to fix things alone to gradually building trust in this friendship, these three brave, strong, intelligent, and powerful modern women eventually worked together to solve all kinds of problems and puzzles in their lives and witnessed each other become the best version of themselves.
①:《Rising Lady》是一部电视剧,大陆发行的国产剧由秦海璐 金世佳 白冰 薇薇 董又霖 戴向宇 周慧 郭晓婷 刘孜 印小天 钱泳辰 孔维 许榕真 主演。牟晓杰 2022导演的电视剧共32集,提供在线免费播放。更多好看的电视剧国产剧,请关注“策驰影院”电视剧国产剧大陆专栏或电视剧排行榜。
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