Great Dance Crew
  • Great Dance Crew

  • 主持:
  • 状态:20220625期
  • 类型:综艺 真人秀 选秀
  • 导演:其他
  • 更新时间:2023-04-07 16:31:11

Great Dance Crew剧情介绍

《Great Dance Crew》是2022年的一档综艺节目,由等主持,深受观众的喜爱,Great Dance Crew手机免费观看高清完整版。As at last a team of female dancers will be formed, dancers from all walks of life are brought together: they may be professional dancers in China, dance enthusiasts hailing from different professions, or young female dancers who are still in school. Over several rounds of competition, the program aims to put together the strongest crew ever and send them to a world-level crew dance championship. The goal is to produce excellent crew dance pieces that are both professional and entertaining and to highlight the positive impact dance has on young people.
①:《Great Dance Crew》是一部,大陆发行的综艺由主演。其他 2022导演的共集,提供在线免费播放。更多好看的综艺,请关注“策驰影院”综艺大陆专栏或排行榜。
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